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– Arthouse Clemens Keiffenheim

Clemk - Clemk - Wiener Vernissagen - Gallery Steiner
– Vienna Vernissages

ClemK - Hunting scenes in the gallery 13.3. - 14.4.2024
ClemK - Blow up Schutting II - Faces of a poet  8.5. - 1.6.2024
Live Act with ClemK and Julian Schutting. Painting meets writing. 16.5., 18 - 20 h
ClemK - Vienna feelings - infam profan 29.8. - 20.9.2024
2.9.24 infamis profanus - Lalla's on ClemK. Live act with Michell Steiner, Lalla and ClemK
19.09.24 Finissage

Gallery Steiner, Kurrentgasse 4, 1010 Wien

ClemK - Gallery Steiner

"Blow up Schutting II – Faces of a poet"
Press release for live Act on May 16th, Gallery Steiner, Kurrentgasse 4

Vernissage 08.05. und Live Act 16.05. – Impressions

Facebook Clemens Keiffenheim Gallery Steiner"

Instagram Clemens Keiffenheim Gallery Steiner"

ClemK - Gallery Steiner

Vernissage 13.03. – Impressions

Clemens Keiffenheim Gallery Steiner

Facebook Clemens Keiffenheim Gallery Steiner"


Clemk - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemk - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo
Vernissage Arezzo Oct 27th
Exhibition Oct 28th to Nov 08th
Concert "la pittura incontra musica" mit Opera Viwa - Silvia Martinelli, Fabio Taruschio, Andrea Trovato -
on November 5th at 17:30 h Circolo Artistico - Arezzo, Corso Italia, 108

“La pittura incontra la musica”. Circolo Artistico di Arezzo. 28.10 – 08.11.2023
Corriere di Arezzo, 23.10.2023
Corriere di Arezzo, 05.11.2023

Flyer Exhibition (Pdf) Press Release (Pdf)

Arezzo TV: “La bellezza discreta dell’Atavismo”: al Circolo Artistico la mostra di ClemK

Watch Video on YouTube

Clemk - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

28.10.-08.11.2023, Arezzo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemk - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemk in gallery Casa Matteo
from Sept 09th to Sept 23rd

Clemk - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemk - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo
Vernissage on 7th August 2023 in Italy.

Vernissage Info

Antenna2 about the ClemK Vernissage

Antenna2 über die ClemK Vernissage

Clemk - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

August 7th to 20th, 2023, Bergamo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo

Clemens Keiffenheim - La bellezza discreta dell' atavismo


The vernissage and the accompanying homage to Julian Schutting was celebrated as an intense and very entertaining event. We would like to thank for the extremely positive advance notice and the coverage on radio and television. E.g. Ö1 Leporello, ORF ZIB 2, the daily newspaper "Die Presse".
Particularly praised was the very intensive, extremely powerful presentation of the portraits. Which is the usual book flap pictures of the writer Julian Schutting expressively put out of their pleasing pupa.

Clemens Keiffenheim - Ausstellung Schutting

Clemens Keiffenheim - Ausstellung Schutting

Clemens Keiffenheim - Ausstellung Schutting

Clemens Keiffenheim - Ausstellung Schutting


Ausstellung 28.9.-21.10.2022

Hommage an, für und mit JULIAN SCHUTTING, zum 85. Geburtstag & H.C. Artmann Preis
Eine Ausstellung als Hommage mit Vernissage und Finissage als Trialog der Künste: Schutting liest, ClemK malt und inszeniert, Teodora Miteva (Cello) und Donka Angatscheva (Piano) musizieren. Ein live act - simultan improvisierend, gegenseitig einander inspirierend.

Blow up Schutting

28. 9. 2022 (19.00 Uhr)
19. 10. 2022 (19.00 Uhr)

Das Programm an beiden Tagen:
Action-Painting: CLEMENS KEIFFENHEIM (ClemK)
Musikalische Begleitung: TEODORA MITEVA (Cello), DONKA ANGATSCHEVA (Piano)
Im WEINGUT HENGL-HASELBRUNNER, 1190 Wien, Iglaseegasse 10

Pressetext (Pdf) Flyer (Pdf)

Programm Vernissage/Katalog (Pdf)

They have been neighbors since 2014 and have become warm friends:
renowned writer Julian Schutting and film/TV director and painter Clemens Keiffenheim (ClemK).

In September, Schutting will receive the H.C. Artmann Prize, in October he will turn 85 and his new book will be published.
Reasons enough to create a tribute for him.

Keiffenheim is fascinated by the personality and the many faces Schutting revealed in life and not least in his more than 60 books.
In 2019, he began to portray him. With the exhibition "Blow up Schutting" he presents the works to the public for the first time in a tribute to, on and with Julian Schutting.

With "Blow up" he refers to an enlargement technique used in film, which can be used to explain Keiffenheim's painting technique. However, the painter is also interested in enhancing the reputation of this exceptional writer, who has won several awards, and bringing him to the attention of a wider audience.

Keiffenheim studied the many faces of Schuttings during numerous, joint visits to the Heurigen. Depending on the situation in life, everything is represented, from mischievous smiles to grim looks or pensive melancholy - which can also be whimsically inferred from the titles of the individual portraits.

Clemens Keiffenheim

Clemk on YouTube

So what could be more natural than to hold the homage at the Hengl-Haselbrunner winery in rooms that have been specially redesigned for the occasion - right next door in the Grätzl, where Schutting writes, Keiffenheim paints, and both are at home under the same roof, door to door.

Pressetext (Pdf) Flyer (Pdf)

Programm Vernissage/Katalog (Pdf)